Cure For Liver Damage?
Liver is the second largest organ in the human body. It performs several vital body functions of the body. The liver processes everything you eat and drink. It converts food and drinks into the energy and nutrient for body to use. It filters out all the harmful substances from the blood and helps the body fight for infection.
Main causes of Hepatic failure
Acute hepatic failure also known as fulminant hepatic failure can occur even if you do not have a preexisting liver disease. Acetaminophen overdose is the most common cause of acute liver failure. It is over the counter drug. Acute liver failure may also be caused by:
- Certain prescription medicines
- Some herbal supplement
- Viral infection, like hepatitis A,B and C
- Toxins
- Certain autoimmune disease
Liver failure can also be genetic. If you are suffering from genetic liver disease, you are more susceptible to liver failure. Chronic liver failure is usually a result of cirrhosis or alcohol-related liver disease.
Symptoms of liver failure may include:
- Nausea
- A loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Jaundice
- Weight loss
- Bruising or bleeding easily
- Itching
- Edema, or fluid buildup in legs
- Ascites, or fluid buildup in the abdomen
These symptoms can also be attributes of other disorder in the body, which makes it difficult to diagnose liver failure. Some people do not have any kind of above mentioned signs until their liver failure has progressed to a deadly stage. In this stage a patient can be disoriented, drowsy or even can slip in coma.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you are facing any one or multiple of the above symptoms seek the help of the doctor. If you have a history of alcohol abuse, genetic abnormalities or any of the medical condition be sure to let your doctor have an idea about it. Your doctor will be aware of the tests you require when he or she knows your complete medical history. There are several different blood screening tests that can be performed to detect any abnormalities in the blood, which includes the abnormalities that may imply to liver failure.
Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. The specialist may prescribe medication. It happens if only a part of the liver is damaged, surgery for the removal of the damaged part can also be recommended by the doctor. An imaging test can be done to see how much damage is there in the liver. If the damage is severe, a liver transplant may be necessary.