Do you have doubts about success of liver transplant surgery?
It is only the best liver transplant surgeon in Delhi that can throw light on the success of a transplant because there are many factors that come into play when the success rate of a transplant is calculated.
The latest data on liver transplants show exciting results. Recipients have been known to lead a healthy and happy life for decades after the successful surgery. There are complications like infection and return of the disease that caused the liver failure but the good thing is that these complications can be controlled with medicines.
If you are having gastro problems, you should meet the best liver specialist in Delhi to determine the condition of your liver. And if it is in poor condition, you should get ready for a transplant from a living donor like a family member or from a cadaver.
The waiting list for a liver transplant
If you need a transplant, your name will be included in the waiting list, and where your name figures in the list depending on your condition. Those with severe liver problems are kept at the forefront as they are considered high-risk patients.
Life after liver transplant
The first three months of post-liver transplant surgery in Delhi is crucial as you will live on anti-rejection pills to reduce the chances of your immune system attacking the transplant. Also, you will remain under observation so that you don’t develop a new infection or the original liver disease doesn’t return.
Post-transplant, you will remain hospitalized for up to 15 days afterwards you will be allowed to recuperate at home under the observation of your transplant team. You will be prescribed medicines and called for a routine examination. Depending on your overall health and recovery rate, you can return back to normal life within 3 months of the transplant.
Transplant patients can have children and live a normal life post-surgery. There will be certain restrictions over drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy food to prevent liver problems from occurring. And you will have to stay connected to your liver transplant surgeon in Delhi to maintain a healthy routine.
If a liver transplant is a necessity in your case then you shouldn’t delay the surgery. Talk to your doctor and explore transplant opportunities to get it early. You can live a normal life post-transplant. Advancements in medical technologies have made it possible for surgeons to anticipate future problems and provide medical care in advance.