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राजस्थान में पहली बार पीडियाट्रिक लिवर ट्रांसप्लांट किया गया है. महज 12 साल की बच्ची को उसकी मां ने अपना लीवर का हिस्सा दिया और महात्मा गांधी अस्पताल के डॉक्टर्स ने सफल इलाज करते हुए बच्ची को नया जीवनदान दिया. जिस उम्र में बच्चे स्कूल में पढ़ाई करते हुए अपने भविष्य की नींव रखते हैं, उस वक्त जयपुर की कोटखावदा निवासी

महात्मा गांधी मेडिकल कॉलेज और अस्पताल का कमाल.. एक ही मरीज को 2 लिवर किए ट्रांसप्लांट, मरीज की पत्नी और भाभी ने किया लिवर डोनेट, विशेषज्ञ डॉ. नैमिष मेहता के नेतृत्व में ट्रांसप्लांट, यूनिवर्सिटी के चेयरमैन डॉ विकास चंद्र स्वर्णकार ने बताया कि डॉ नमिष मेहता अब तक 1500 से अधिक सफल लिवर प्रत्यारोपण कर चुके हैं. साथ में दो

राजस्थान: इमरजेंसी लिवर ट्रांसप्लांट रहा सफल सीतापुर स्थित महात्मा गांधी अस्पताल की डॉक्टर्स टीम को एक और चमत्कारिक सफलता हासिल हुई है। हाल ही में अस्पताल की लीवर ट्रांसप्लांट टीम ने एक्यूट लीवर फेलियर की आपात स्थिति में झालावाड निवासी 50 वर्षीय महिला कालीबाई का लीवर ट्रांसप्लांट किया है। लिवर ट्रासप्लांट विभाग के डॉयरेक्टर तथा मुख्य लीवर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जन डॉ.

The liver is the largest of the internal organs. It does complex functions including digesting food and ridding the body of toxic substances. Since these are essential functions for a healthy body, you need to be careful about problems affecting the liver and see a liver transplant surgeon. Common liver problems Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: The problem arises due to a faulty immune

If you are diagnosed with cirrhosis, it means that you have a medical condition that involves scar tissue gradually replacing healthy liver cells. It causes due to long-term infection or alcohol abuse and liver cirrhosis treatment involves minimizing possible damage by treating the underlying cause. Treatment for alcohol dependency: If the problem is due to alcohol abuse, your doctor will suggest

Cirrhosis is an end-stage liver disease with no cure available but its growth can be slowed down if detected at the earliest stage. Damage done to the liver by cirrhosis is permanent and a liver transplant is the only treatment available for the disease. Many patients who go for liver cirrhosis treatment in Delhi are suggested transplants.   Let’s discuss the cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the most common reason for a liver transplant. It is a late stage of scarring of the liver caused by different diseases like hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. A liver specialist doctor in Delhi can diagnose and treat liver cirrhosis with medicines and transplant.   What is scarring of the liver?   When your liver is injured due to infection or disease, the

You should see the best liver specialist doctor in Delhi if you have jaundice; dark urine; pale, bloody, or black stool; swollen ankles, legs, or abdomen, or even nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. Symptoms of liver disease could be many but you shouldn’t wait to allow the symptoms to develop fully before visiting a doctor because it could be too late

Even the best liver specialist doctor in Delhi would say that the treatment of cirrhosis depends on its cause. Generally, the damage done to the liver isn’t reversible but the problem can be managed to prevent it from getting worse. Lifestyle changes Several lifestyle changes can help cirrhosis patients in managing the progression of disease and complications. They shouldn’t drink alcohol or

Acute hepatic failure is damage of liver function that arises speedily within days or weeks that typically in an individual who has no pre-existing liver syndrome. Acute liver failure is not as much as standard as a continued liver failure, which grows more gradually. Acute liver failure also recognized as a fulminant hepatic failure, and it may cause severe problems, comprising

Liver transplant is the procedure that can save your life when your liver is no longer working. It is also called hepatic transplantation; the treatment involves surgical removal of the entire liver, which is then replaced with the healthy donor liver. It can come from both a living and deceased donor. It is essential part as the liver is responsible

The liver serves a very important role in many body functions.  Functions, like regulating digestion, running your metabolism and getting harmful particles or chemicals out of the body all require the help of liver. When the liver is damaged, it is unable to effectively work and convert the food nutrients the same way as any healthy liver can. This result

What is hepatoblastoma? Hepatoblastoma is a very rare form of cancer that starts in the liver region.  The disease primarily affects children from infancy to age about 3 years. Hepatoblastoma cancer cells can also spread to other areas of the body, but it’s rare. The most common site of metastasis is the lungs. Mostly the tumor being development in the right

Liver is the second largest organ in the human body. It performs several vital body functions of the body. The liver processes everything you eat and drink. It converts food and drinks into the energy and nutrient for body to use. It filters out all the harmful substances from the blood and helps the body fight for infection. Main causes of

Intestinal transplantation has evolved in the past few years from an experimental procedure to what is currently considered the long-term option for patients with intestinal failure. The number of intestinal transplant has increased sharply in few years. Unfortunately mismatch between supply and demand has led to increased waiting time for potential recipients. Short gut syndrome and functional bowel problems are the

Liver failure is a severe deterioration in liver function. Liver failure can result from any type of liver disorder, including viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver damage from alcohol or drugs such as acetaminophen. Liver failure occurs only when a large portion of the liver is damaged. It may develop rapidly over days or weeks (which is called acute) or can

There are some treatments available for curing liver diseases. Liver specialists put their greatest efforts in curing the liver diseases with medication only. In case this medication is not found suitable, then the liver specialist’s advice for a liver transplant. There are many tests which the patient needs to go through. The test results decide that whether the patient needs a

Cirrhosis is a dwindling insurgent disease that results in solidification and scarring of liver follicle. The liver is remodeled unfitted to function properly due to the pinch tissue, which saves the normal passage of blood wrapped up the liver. The loss of liver follicle foil with the organ's ability to process nutrients, coil, and drugs and slows the assembly of

Liver transplant is the replacement of the unhealthy liver of a deceased person with that of the healthy liver from the donor or another person. Liver transplantation is done out of acute liver failure or out of major liver disease that requires liver replacement. The process is very complex and requires surgery from the very experienced and skilled surgeon. The

People nowadays have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle, which in turn has become the cause of several diseases. Improper eating habits of people generally results into liver disease. Not only this, but there are several other causes of liver disease. The disease may be caused due to any virus attack or due to poor health and nutrition. It can also be

The outstanding basic reason that prompts to Liver Transplant (LT) is Cirrhosis; this is a notable concern particularly with grown-ups. Cirrhosis is a condition where the Liver is cracked or scarred inside or externally keeping the organ to play out its capacities. In the event uncured, it can even prompt to liver disappointment. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and expanded liquor

  The liver is an integral part of the digestive system which plays a vital role in the digestion of food mainly in the body of the vertebrates. Besides, helping the body to digest the food, the liver is also the storehouse of various proteins, and minerals required for the body to function smoothly. The liver helps in detoxification and transforms

New Delhi: A 19-year-old woman who suffered from acute liver failure during pregnancy was saved after a 12-hour transplant surgery here. The child was also delivered successfully which is rare, claim doctors. The surgery took place at Sir Ganga Ram hospital (SGRH).The patient, Swati Kumari, suffered from acute liver failure in the 38th week of pregnancy due to hepatitis E infection,

New Delhi: For R K Shivdas, this Diwali could not have been more special. The 49-year-old Manipur resident, who required an urgent liver transplant, recently got a gift of life at a city private hospital when doctors performed the life-saving procedure on him by overriding the crisis of unavailability of a suitable blood donor. Shivdas could find a compatible organ donor

Due to the timely contribution from these students, a team of the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital here was able to successfully perform a complicated liver transplant involving arterial reconstruction on 54-year-old Zaib-un-Nisa. The life-saving operation was performed on Pakistan Independence Day – August “When Indians came to know that we are Pakistanis, they went out of the way to help us” AN