Overview on Liver Failure – Reason, Symptoms and Treatment
Liver is a very important organ of human body that perform significant functions like it is responsible for the production of proteins, blood clotting and metabolism of glucose, sugar & iron. Liver can be affected by many illnesses or injury. In case, the function of liver is affected then a lot of damage is caused to the body. When large part of the liver is damaged beyond repair and it is no more able to perform its regular function in the body, then it is known as liver failure. It is a life-threatening condition and calls for medical emergency. Generally, liver failure is a very slow process that takes place over a period of many years. But at times, it may happen suddenly and this is known as acute liver failure. It occurs in time gap of 48 hours and one can hardly see its symptoms before.
Reasons for liver failure
Chronic Liver failure can occur due to number of reasons, namely:
- Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C
- Consuming alcohol for many years
- Cirrhosis
- Hemochromatosis
- Malnutrition
Acute liver failure can occur due to:
- Acetaminophen overdose
- Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
- Intake of certain medicines that includes herbal medicines or prescription medicines
- Eating poisonous wild mushrooms
Symptoms of liver failure
The various symptoms of liver failure may include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tiredness
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Jaundice
- Easy bleeding
- Swelling in abdomen
- Confusion
- Coma
Treatment for liver failure
It is important that liver failure is detected early so that immediate treatment can be started. This will help the doctor to treat the patient successfully. As the problem keeps on progressing, the chances of success are reduced and then one is left with no other option than liver transplant. However, if liver failure is detected early and it is caused due to overdose of Acetaminophen or virus causes it, then in both cases, the treatment is given in hospital and one can be successfully cured of the problem. But those people who are facing deterioration in liver from a very long time, they may have to undergo surgery to save part of the liver that is functioning and remove the damaged part. In case, major part of liver is damaged, then your doctor will recommend you to go for liver transplant.
One should be very careful about his health and take good care of liver so that it remains healthy throughout your life. Take care of your lifestyle, diet and workout regimes. All the best for your future.