The Benefits and Risks of Liver Donation
Human body is made up of a large number of complex and complicatedly structured organs and organ systems which work according to some specified patterns and pathways in the body. Each one of them has its own working schedule and ways of performing different functions in the body for example human heart is known to purify the entire blood of the body and then send it to the different parts of the human body and simultaneously impure blood from the entire body is collected and is sent to the heart for its purification. Just like the human heart, liver present in the human body plays a very significant role in the proper processing and digestion of the food items. Walls of the human liver secretes some digestive juices which are known as bile juices that play a very important role in the proper digestion of the food items eaten by the person as these juices are acidic in nature.
With more and more advancements in science and technology, human organ transplants have become successfully possible when any important organ fails to perform all its functions properly. Liver donation is one such organ transplant whose benefits as well as risks both should be considered before opting for it in case of the patient as well as in the case of the donor. The key benefits and risks of liver donation are
Benefits of Liver Donation– The first and foremost benefit of liver donation is saving the lives of people who have suffered a lot from the final- stage liver problems. Along with feeling good about saving someone’s life, the liver donor gets a very privileged feeling of being the second greatest after God for someone and his family. Sometimes the donor feel scared about the recovery time duration and the recovery time medications but this has been stated by the doctors also that a healthy donor gives result to much improved long- term outcomes to the surgery and they have to face very less recovery times.
Risks of liver donation– Of course surgeries have a lot of risks involved in them but when treated by perfect physicians or doctors- these risks get minimized and finished sometimes. Some of the most important risks of liver donation include leakage of the bile. This bile leakage sometimes takes place in some donors and this problem gets resolved on its own and if it does not- then doctors resolve this problem by inserting a tube in liver.