What should patients expect from liver transplant?
A liver transplant becomes a necessity when a patient doesn’t respond to regular treatment and it could happen anytime and with anybody including kids. A liver specialist doctor in Delhi performs tens of transplant surgeries every year on patients of different age groups.
Reasons for liver transplant in kids
Most children require a transplant due to undeveloped biliary atresia that receives bile secretion through bile ducts. Bile secretion is helpful in improved digestion. Children born with undeveloped biliary atresia could develop severe jaundice leading to liver failure.
Reasons for liver transplant in adults
Most adults requiring a transplant suffer from hepatitis C virus, but some patients suffer from hepatitis B virus. Other causes for liver transplant in adults include fatty liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Also, drug overdose could be a reason for liver failure. And it is only the best liver specialist doctor in Delhi that can carry out successful transplant operations.
What is life after a liver transplant?
Data available on life after liver transplant shows exciting results. Today, more and more recipients are living a healthy life even after 30 years of the liver transplant operation. But the actual lifecycle of a liver transplant patient depends on many conditions including his overall health.
Could a patient get reinfected with liver disease after a successful transplant?
There are certain conditions like the hepatitis C virus that can again attack your liver. But you will be advised by your transplant team and in case your liver specialist doctor in Delhi fears reinfection, he will suggest you come for a routine checkup to prevent the infection from coming back.
Will I need medicines after a liver transplant?
Again, depending on your age and overall medical condition, your surgeon could prescribe different medicines to aid the new liver. But the number of doses and meds will reduce overtime. As you recover from the surgery, you will require fewer medicines.
What is the cost of a liver transplant?
Liver transplant surgery cost varies from one hospital to another and from one patient to another. But you should try choosing the best as your remaining life will depend on the success of the transplant. It will involve a price, but you will get huge benefits in the long run.
If you are suffering from a liver problem, then you should go for a complete checkup to make sure that your liver remains healthy. And, if, the liver is damaged, you should get a transplant before things get worse.